End Software Patents

A software patent is a 20-year monopoly on the use of a feature in a computer program. When a company has a patent on nested menus, a video format, or pinch-to-zoom, then no one else can implement that feature for 20 years unless they get permission from the patent holder. Computer programs typically contain hundreds or thousands of features, and many features that users expect, are patented.

The End Software Patents campaign is against software monopolies, and for software development.

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The Free Software Foundation accepts donations for the End Software Patents coalition fund. Please consider donating below.

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Everyone who donates $500 or more will be thanked on our social media accounts and appear on our list of ThankGNUs. To make a donation "In honor of" or "In memory of" someone, please forward your donation receipt along with the person's name to membership@fsf.org.

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