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EmacsConf is a volunteer-run, community conference with sessions on all things GNU Emacs, Emacs Lisp, and popular Emacs features like Org-mode. The conference has grown rapidly in the last few years. It welcomes speakers of all backgrounds and all levels of experience from across the world. EmacsConf is rooted in the active, passionate community surrounding GNU Emacs, and like Emacs itself, it is committed to user freedom. It is organized and run using an entirely free software stack. It is also accessible to all, safeguarding the possibility to fully participate in the conference using only free software.

Visit the EmacsConf website

The FSF supports the work of EmacsConf through its Working Together for Free Software fund. Please consider donating below.

Our Bitcoin address for this campaign is 1CEjZqNsk4r86W2tmEpqAohQk3P5jbCJ6N. If you'd like to pay by check or money order, you can do so by sending a check to the main Free Software Foundation address, with 'EmacsConf' in the memo field of your check. If you'd like to use a wire transfer of any currency, email donate@fsf.org.

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Everyone who donates $500 or more will be thanked on our social media accounts and appear on our list of ThankGNUs. To make a donation "In honor of" or "In memory of" someone, please forward your donation receipt along with the person's name to membership@fsf.org.

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