Mailing List Subscription

Enter your email address and check the box next to each mailing list you want to join. Then click the Subscribe button. You will receive a confirmation request via email for each selected list. Activate your subscription to each list by responding to the corresponding confirmation email.
This is the mailing list for the Free Software Foundation's "Defective by Design" campaign, which is focused on the problems with Digital Restrictions Management (DRM) systems. Subscribers receive regular action alerts and news about progress toward the goal of eliminating DRM.
This is the Free Software Foundation's primary mailing list. Subscribers receive a monthly newsletter called the Free Software Supporter, which includes news about FSF activities over that month, as well as other news from around the free software world.
Mailing list for subscription just for licensing-related info
Please sign up to this very low-volume announce-only list if you are interested in receiving updates about the FSF Bootable USB Member Card. Signing up to this list will also help the Free Software Foundation determine how much time should be devoted to updating and improving the software on the card in the future. More information on the card is available from
This list is for people who display on their site. We use it to notify them of updates, since the widget is dynamically included by JavaScript.
Updates on new GNU Press products and product availability.
Learn more about the dangers of Secure Boot ( and sign the statement standing up for your freedom to install free software on your computer.