Richard Stallman - 2018-06-06 - São Paulo, Brazil

Inscrição para o II Forum da Revista Espírito Livre

O II Forum da Revista Espírito Livre acontecerá no dia 29 de maio de 2012, na UVV, em Vila Velha/ES.

As inscrições são gratuitas mas devem ser feitas antecipadamente, pois as vagas são limitadas. Não deixe para a última hora! Mais informações como programação e palestrantes, você encontra no site oficial:

ATENÇÃO: Para os interessados em receber certificado é necessário que TODOS os campos sejam preenchidos---não apenas aqueles com um asterisco.

Registration for the II Forum da Revista Espírito Libre.

The II Forum da Revista Espírito Libre will take place on 29 May 2012, at the UVV, in Vila Velha/ES.

Registration is free of charge but needs to made in advance, since seating is limited. Please do not leave it to the last minute! You can find more information, like scheduling and a list of attendees, on our official site,

NOTE: People who want to receive a certificate need to fill out ALL fields---not just the starred ones.

Feel free to fill out the rest of the short form so the FSF can contact you about future events in your area.

We'll keep you updated on future FSF events, especially those with Richard Stallman, happening in your area. To receive additional news from the FSF, please check all of the topics you are interested in hearing more about. You'll then receive an email asking you to confirm your subscription. Please click the link in that email to complete your subscriptions.
Free Software Supporter
This is the Free Software Foundation's primary mailing list. Subscribers receive a monthly newsletter called the Free Software Supporter, which includes news about FSF activities over that month, as well as other news from around the free software world.
The FSF very rarely sends paper mailings (only twice a year to our donors), but we can give you more relevant event updates if you provide a little information about where you're located. Please put as much or as little as you're comfortable with.

We will not publish or share your email address with any party outside the FSF and the II Forum da Revista Espírito Livre. See our privacy policy for more information on the FSF's privacy policy and contact the II FREL for information on theirs.

Nós não iremos publicar ou fornecer seu endereço de e-mail com qualquer parte fora do FSF e do II Forum da Revista Espírito Livre. Veja nossa política de privacidade para mais informaiton sobre a política de privacidade do FSF e entre em contato com o II Forum da Revista Espírito Livre para obter informações sobre a deles.
