Gift an FSF membership

Thank you for purchasing a gift membership! Once you have completed this form, you will receive a unique code that your recipient may redeem. The membership does not start until the recipient enters the code on the redeem page.

Have a question? Please let us know at

$USD 140.00
$140 each. For each membership, you will receive an activation code on the confirmation page and in an email, which others may use to redeem the gift membership.
$USD 70.00
$70 each. A student email address should be used for redeeming this membership.
$USD 35.00

$35 each. For each membership, you will receive an activation code on the confirmation page and in an email, which others may use to redeem the gift membership.

$USD 1.00
Any extra donation helps the FSF fight for user freedom. Thank you!
Total Amount
Your name and address

Additional information:

Free Software Supporter
This is the Free Software Foundation's primary mailing list. Subscribers receive a monthly newsletter called the Free Software Supporter, which includes news about FSF activities over that month, as well as other news from around the free software world.
Credit Card
Billing Name and Address